Purses, Pockets, and Family Secrets


Music by Bonia Shur

“Purses, Pockets, and Family Secrets” is a performance and healing ceremony that explores the manner in which family and cultural secrets are often passed on through generations. Fanchon is both performer and ceremonial leader with two movers/shamans. Through theater and ritual, the performer reveals secrets which become all of our secrets. These hidden messages have inhibited our potential for ecstasy in our communities. Three hundred feet of gauze symbolizes the covers we have put on our wounds. Healing from the wounds with large bowls of water, we begin to ritually wash away the shame and humiliation which scar the very soul of our people.

Purses, Pockets, and Family Secrets has been performed at:

– Jesuit Renewal Center; Milford, OH. Healing the Child; Secrets Hidden In the Catholic Culture
– Arts Consortium; Cincinnati, OH. Secrets Within the African-American Culture
– Imago; Cincinnati, OH. Secrets from the Earth
– Hebrew Union College; Cincinnati, OH. Jewish Cultural Secrets
– Gestalt Therapy Institute Meeting, Grailville Center; Loveland, OH, Secrets Hidden in the Body


“The honesty and vulnerability with which Fanchon presented this piece made it very powerful for me…This was a very healing and beautiful experience…”

“I was most moved to see Fanchon wrap herself to cover each wound and then strike a pose pretending that all was well… I see myself doing that so much…”

“Thank you, Fanchon, for another wonderful healing adventure.”

Purses, Pockets, and Family Secrets Promo from Fanchon Shur on Vimeo.

Supported by a grant from the: Ohio Arts Council

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