Moving from the Soul

Among the ancients, the seat of the soul was always in the body, usually in the heart or the liver…later, the breath

In class, we will invoke our Soul, the irrepressible wellspring of Love. Our soul is revealed through our inner movement preceding and informing our words. Our soul listens deeply into mystery, retrieving what we have forgotten. We resonate as our soul moves us out of fear, and soars with blessing.
In the first class, Fanchon invites us to join her in an intimate performance of excerpts from her sacred dance ceremonies. These almost legendary choreographic communal ceremonies reveal the deep sources from which our soul can be retrieved: our bodies as personal story; wrestling with and reshaping religious traditions; and healing in community.Each following class will allow us to tap naturally and creatively into how our soul is hidden and waiting to be released from within our own bodies. Soul moves both in pleasure and pain, in numbness, fluidity and always into Light.


There, through breathing/moving meditations I have discovered an ingenuous connection with the energies of my soul. On this physical, non-verbal level, I have experienced memories lodged in my muscles, dreams that move my sinews, images rising and shaping.

Each time, I attend (class), I grow in health, in the conviction that there are realms of imagination that movement can access so directly. In the class, we are a community of souls who speak so seldom, but who share a created space. A direct revelation of who we are, who we hope to be and a chance to nurture that choice in each other.
—Sharon L Schroeder

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For Registration and upcoming class schedule: 513-221-3222 or

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