Totem of Tolerance

Choreography by Fanchon Shur
Music by Bonia Shur

 Totem of Tolerance is part of a larger work called “All that Breathes” with a cast of 26 people, and is a journey into the culture in Pre-Inquisition Spain where the Hebrew, Moorish (Arabic), Gypsy, and Christian Spanish communities interacted. The words of the prayer are, “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, oh God, my rock and my redeemer”. The dancers exalt the quiet beauty within these cultures during times of tolerance during the 11th to 14th centuries and passionately celebrate the hope that this will happen again. The capes and tabards worn by the dancers are symbols of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The poetry, the dance, and the music mediates the rage and brutality of terrorism and genocide. Nationally and internationally, we hope to share this piece in Israel for the Arab/Israeli Peace Community and at Hebrew Union College in New York and Los Angeles.

Dancers: Karen Wissel, Chad Benjamin Potter, Michelle Bump Morano

Totem of Tolerance from Fanchon Shur on Vimeo.

Growth in Motion, Inc. dance company performed this piece at the following locations:

• April 2, 2006 – Abraham Peace Walk @ Unity Church – the walk started at the Christian Unity Church to the Jewish Hillel Center and then to the Islamic Center

• May 3, 2006 – Hebrew Union College (Cincinnati)

• May 14, 2006 – NANA (North Avondale Neighborhood Association)

• May 17, 2006 – Harmony High School

• June 2 and 3, 2006 – “Choreographers Without Companies” concert at the Aronoff (Jarson/Kaplan Theater)

• June 11, 2006 – House of Joy Christian Ministries

• St. Claire Cathedral of the Sisters of St. Francis in Cincinnati, Ohio

• Faith United Church of Christ in Cincinnati, Ohio

• St. John’s Unitarian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio

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