Fanchon Dances for Bonia

Bonia Shur, 1923-2012
Dance performed at Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music, New York City
March 6, 2013

The music “Ki Atah Tair Neri”, written by Bonia Shur, translates “If you will light my lamp, I shall illumine your darkness”, spoken as the voice of the Holy One. Sung live by two cantorial students, and danced by Fanchon Shur, in honor of and speaking to the Soul of Bonia Shur. Immediately afterwards Fanchon speaks the following poem, which was created shortly after Bonia’s death while he was in her arms.

i dance
you are dancing in me with me to me.
you are the aura the energy the air all around me, giving me your kisses as i am drawn into and out of the diamond of love at center.
ki atah ta ir neri
“if you will light my lamp, i shall illumine your darkness”
all through this dance, you are the container of my volcanic creativity, and
the guide who illumines my self doubt.
make no mistake,
this dance will come, unbeckoned, from that place appearing to me at
your death,
that numinous veil of tendrils, vibrating symphonies of woven
nerves, braided in a transparent cloud around our earth. I tap into this vision.
i am illumined, and i illumine you.
what do you say to that Bonia?

thank you for your song and the children who vibrate in my soul.



    • Reply Fanchon

      I have never, in all my dancing career, been more free, more committed, than dancing this memorial. I am so blessed to have had our lives together, and to know you have been a part of that life.

  1. Reply Fanchon

    yes, it revives me too watch, even after creating it, dancing it, and watching it over and over.

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